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Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.
Пишет  natali3112:

честно потырено
Работает детка

@темы: Мну в экстазе))), Джастин Тейлор, QAF - Близкие друзья, О них ....., Ренди Харрисон,

Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.
Пишет  Mouse_gray:

Спасибо fansite_GH_Russia @GH_Rus — первое фото от dondili со съемок сериала «Аdoptable!» тыц
Gale and his specimen #mommasboy @adoptableseries

НОГГГГТИ на лапках :gigi::dark:

@темы: Гейл Харольд, Мну в экстазе))), Из Твиттера..., QAF - Близкие друзья, Горячо..., О них .....

Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.

Джаред выложил: они с Дженсеном записали видео для дочери Митча Пиледжи, которой операцию сделали

@темы: Дженсен Эклз, Клипы по СПН, Джаред Падалеки, Мну в экстазе))), Из Твиттера..., "Jared Padalecki", "Jensen Ackles", Дженсен + Джаред, О них .....

Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.
Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.
Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.
Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.
Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.
Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.
Пишет  marykapa:

Смиренный :gigi: а сам небось думает - счаззз пущу я тебя туда :eyebrow:

@темы: Дженсен Эклз, Джаред Падалеки, Мну в экстазе))), Горячо..., Гифки..., "Jared Padalecki", "Jensen Ackles", Дженсен + Джаред, О них ....., КОНЫ


Опы ...

Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.
Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.

J2 Main Panel DenverCon 2015

Usual band intro and jump onstage :)
What inspired you to become actors? Jared: People like you. Jared says he always wanted to be an actor, loves telling stories and loves hearing about other ppl and their experiences. Jensen talks about how his dad is an actor and so he was around it a lot. It was always something he was interested in and liked. It just kind of happened naturally. Every actor has their own story and own path.
Asked about the bunker’s location and it’s significance. Boys didn’t know it was located at the center of the U.S, are stumped by question lol. Connected to American Gods by Neil Gaiman? The boys just say yes lol.
They talk about how Eric Kripke joined Twitter and say to tweet him that question about the bunker.
If not on Supernatural where would they be right now? They wouldn’t be sitting up there talking to fans, fortunately they are. Jensen: Jared and I were hustling to get work in L.A., they used to have three auditions in a day, trying to get work. Jared says it would kill him to be without the Supernatural family. They are happy to be there.
What would happen if Sam finished curing Crowley? Jared jokes that Sam would be dead then and that the show would be called Deannatural. Jensen jokes the Impala would smell better. Jensen also says the Impala “would be empty, along with my heart.”
During the Baby ep in the scene where the brothers are laying down, did they fit? Jared says no and that’s why he looked so bent during that scene lol. They talk about how filming Baby was unique and different. Jensen says it was just “he and I” driving down the road with the cameras on the dash. And they would decide together when to start the scene, etc. They would finish dialogue and drive back to the director to see how the scene went. Mention “the other way” outtake. There will be some more gags from the ep. Now that they’ve done it they wouldn’t mind filming another ep like it.
Nothing could have prepared them for what Supernatural was going to become. Lots of huge life moments that have happened while filming. Jensen: What Supernatural has become will be with them forever. Jared: I don’t know what will happen without Supernatural. Jensen: Let’s not find out!
What would it be like if Jared and Jensen were in the Supernatural world (opposite of Sam and Dean in French Mistake)? Jared says it would be like watching them film lol. Maybe lots of laughter because J2 have so much fun? Jensen: I think it’s just called the gag reel.
They bring up the fake “volcanoes are like mountains that are volcanoes” quote lol.
Licensing issues prevent them from using search engines like Google, etc, and have to use a fake one instead. They also need to make sure that what is scripted shows up when they search something instead of whatever might come up if they were to just use any search engine.
Bobby Singer was gonna be named something else but they couldn’t get rights to the name so he became Bobby. Bob Singer is on the show so they had automatic approval.
Jared: Between Google and Supernatural Wiki I get all the information I need.
Fan says that she knows Jared is trying to get the Losechesters thing to catch on. She mentions since Dean is the funny brother and Sam is more serious, would the writers ever put in the sсript Dean saying, “We’re not the Losechesters”? Jensen: Probably. Then asks, are you campaigning for Jared now?? Jared: For us! I’m not the only Winchester. Jared thinks that should be on the show because Sam would be like, “You’re an idiot” to Dean lol.
Under the Red Hood question for Jensen. Would he play live action Jason Todd in the future? Jensen says he would be willing to.
Asked about their favorite whiskey.
Asked about favorite whiskey. J2 talk about how the whiskey on set is labeled “Binsky” for a crew member’s nickname. Jensen says that at the end of the day it’s common that they’ll go to their trailer and share a tall tumbler of whiskey.
Redo any ep? Jared would love to relive the pilot (not because it was bad) just to experience it again. After some whispering to each other, Jensen: Dead Man’s Blood. Wants to have the three Winchesters hunting together again.
Fan asks which ep they would rewrite/redo to change it, not just to relive it, basically. They say in that case, Bugs.
Jared: Winchesters in Hawaii swatting mosquitoes and Dean puts lotion on Sam’s back. Jensen: I got your back.
Fan was afraid to watch the Lizzie Borden ep. What did they know about the story before filming? Jared knew the basics, and that she shares a birthday with him lol. Jensen said he knew the general info, too. They were invited to actually stay at the B&B sometime, owners said they would shut it down for them.
Jensen tells a story about how Danneel didn’t want to go into an old army barrack because she was convinced it was haunted. Jensen: “It’s a good thing you got me.”
Traditions? Opening presents, etc. Jared said they would eat tamales, and at Thanksgiving always watch the Cowboys game. Jensen: We are coming up with our own traditions to mix in with stuff from their families. Jensen says Danneel brings the recipes, and he decorates the tree: “It’s me and a big old tree.”
Awkward scenes: They mention French Mistake, and talk about how in the nutcracker scene it was a real machine that worked. Jared was told to not lean his hips forward and promised him it wouldn’t hit him. Jared thought he moved while filming and was scared that he was too close to the machine for when it was going to go off. Jensen was like: What happens if it just bends a little?? Jared: What happens if it just bends a little?!?!
They talk about the snake in Yellow Fever. Jensen makes fun of Jared for being scared when the snake was on him. Jensen talks about the snake handler trying to shove the snake over the couch onto Jensen.
They discuss the scene with the live bees in Bugs. They joke about how they’ll do all these stunts no problem but when it came to the bees, totally different story lol. They had to be stung by a bee to make sure they wouldn’t have an allergic reaction before shooting. They were stung a lot filming it. Worst part? Bees didn’t read on film so they had to use CGI anyway.
Physically demanding eps? Jared: Skin, the fight scene. Mentions S11 ep 10 is difficult. Jensen: Season 3 with the hellhounds and then with the hooks. Describes how they filmed the hellhound scene and the fake blood. Jensen says Dean was in a lot of fights in Baby. “I’m not as young as I was in season one.” The fight scene with three people in the back seat of the car was physically demanding.
SPOILERS: Big fight scene with four people coming up. Jensen: “It got sweaty.” Jared: “Four people you already know.” Jensen: Top 5 music cue for the fight scene. Boys are very excited.
If they could only say one word for the rest of their life what would it be. Jensen says that Jared’s would be love. Jared says it would actually be “fight” but in a good way ;) Jensen: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Then says that if anybody had a problem with it he would slap them because Jared told him to fight lol.
Last question: Why pudding and not pie? Jensen: It was something that I think would throw them off. Pie? Sane. Pudding? You gotta be cookie.
Jared: Big round of applause for volunteers and everyone that makes the convention possible.

@темы: Дженсен Эклз, Джаред Падалеки, Из Твиттера..., "Jared Padalecki", "Jensen Ackles", Дженсен + Джаред, О них ....., КОНЫ

Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.

Панель на английском

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@темы: Дженсен Эклз, Джаред Падалеки, Из Твиттера..., "Jared Padalecki", "Jensen Ackles", Дженсен + Джаред, О них ....., КОНЫ


Я ЗА!!!

Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.
Пишет Гость:

С Голд - панели ...
Там кто-то про фразу с зимой спрашивал. Я как поняла, ребята предложили подшутить так над Мишей. Придти в его Ванкуверскую квартиру, вынести мебель, открыть окна зимой )) :crzjump2:

@темы: Дженсен Эклз, Джаред Падалеки, Из Твиттера..., "Jared Padalecki", "Jensen Ackles", Дженсен + Джаред, О них ....., КОНЫ

Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.
Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.
Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.
Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.

Судя по твиттам, Джеи ночью снова вместе квасили)))))
снова про любимые песни из сериала поговорили... какой-то винчестерский пивасик им подарили))

Джensen, говорит об игрании в мяч с Padaboys как одну из вещей, которую он с нетерпением ждет. :crazylove::crazylove::crazylove::crazylove::crazylove::crazylove:
Дженсен не может дождаться, пока их дети станут не немного старше, таким образом, он может запускать бумажного змея с Джей-Джеем и бросить мячи с ЕГОмальчиками :crazylove::crazylove:
Ребята должны быть завтра на съемках в 7 утра. Дженсен смотрел с JJ Гадкий я. Он любит смотреть с ней кино, даже если оно ему не интересно. Главное, что он сидит с ней рядом :heart:
Весь твиттер, гудит о том, что Джеи все время говорят наши семьи и наши дети ))

@темы: Дженсен Эклз, Джаред Падалеки, Мну в экстазе))), Из Твиттера..., Горячо..., "Jared Padalecki", "Jensen Ackles", Дженсен + Джаред, О них ....., КОНЫ, ЛЮБИМОЕ от Джеев....

Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.

Слова, как ключи. Правильно подобрав, можно открыть любую душу и закрыть любой рот.
Пишет  Nadin7:

Джаред отвечает на вопросы фанатов (рус.суб.)
Итак, несколько часов назад Джаред, как и обещал, заглянул на Фейсбук и написал:
Кампания represent.com/Jared по-прежнему СВЕРХЪЕСТЕСТВЕННО СИЛЬНА! Здесь будут ответы на некоторые ваши вопросы о движении #ВПБ, о сериале, или о чём ещё вы хотите :)

Общение Джареда с фанами было недолгим, связь обрывалась три раза, но всё же он ответил на несколько интересных вопросов.
Я собрала все видео вместе и сделала русские субтитры, надеюсь, вам понравится.

Прим. Если субтитры не отображаются, щёлкните по значку сабов (прямоугольник) внизу видео.

@темы: Дженсен Эклз, Клипы по СПН, Джаред Падалеки, Горячо..., "Jared Padalecki", "Jensen Ackles", Дженсен + Джаред, О них .....