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Пишет Mila_Vish:ОгоЧто же ему сделали, что он вот так?
Jared Padalecki
Hey BK at @ConstantineMpls you are the meanest human being that I have ever, in my adult life, been around. I hope you find your peace. Please know that I will never ever in my life be back at @HotelIvy or @ConstantineMpls in Minneapolis because I have never felt the hatred and spite and judgement that I feel from you.
БК в ConstantineMpls — ты самый злобный человек, которого я только встречал за свою взрослую жизнь.
Я надеюсь, ты обретешь свой покой. Знай, я никогда в жизни больше не вернусь в HotelIvy или ConstantineMpls в Миннеаполисе, потому что, еще никогда я не чувствовал столько ненависти, злобы и осуждения, сколько почувствовал от тебя.
Джаред написал в комментариях:
Jared Padalecki
Sandy Hudspeth Thank you for voicing your opinions and your concern. You are, of course, entitled to both. As far as last night goes, I didn't receive "poor service". I didn't have mustard instead of mayonnaise on my burger, and she didn't give me too many or too few cubes of ice in my drink. The picture of her playing on her phone was the NICEST thing she did during the course of the evening...... No. I was subjected to a mean, spiteful human being. Period. She was mean. She was a bully. She, specifically, did several things that hurt mine (and our) feelings. She made me feel singled out and not welcome and "less than" (maybe you've been in the same situation before?). She ruined my night (if not my trip) in Minnesota. Furthermore, I'm not incredibly happy to have you express that you believe I'm not entitled to share my concerns or unhappiness because I'm a "celebrity". That's akin to the people who told me that I should be "happy" because I'm "successful", and that I shouldn't have "depression" or "anxiety" because "famous people" are so "lucky". And I very much don't appreciate being victim shamed, even though I'm "famous" and should just "deal with it and keep quiet about it". At the end of the day, I am a human being that breathes oxygen. The same as you. And, sometimes, there are people who hurt my feelings intensely and I want to reach out to my social media family to express my hurt and let y'all know that I, too, sometimes run into mean people who aim to ruin my day. As far as "keeping future grievances" more private?Simply put, no. I will not let you silence or censor me and my feelings the same way those in the past have tried to silence or censor or ignore or belittle my feelings. I've worked too hard for too long on myself to be told to take negativity that's sent my way, and shut up about it, just because I'm a "celebrity". I'm truly sorry that the existence of my hurt disappointed you, and I wish you peace and happiness. With love, jp.
В ответ разочаровавшейся фанатке:
Sandy Hudspeth
I'm sorry, I love Jared Padalecki and I always will (I made a trip down to a SPN convention in Houston in 2015 pretty much just to see him) but this is very disappointing to me.
I understand that whatever this woman has done frustrated you, Jared Padalecki (the mere fact that she's playing on her phone while clearly on the clock at a hospitality job really angers me). But posting her picture like this to your FB, which you know is followed by millions of people - many of them very unbalanced human beings who are ready to bring out the torches and pitchforks every single time they think someone has so much as insulted your honor - is extremely irresponsible.
Sandy Hudspeth Thank you for voicing your opinions and your concern. You are, of course, entitled to both. As far as last night goes, I didn't receive "poor service". I didn't have mustard instead of mayonnaise on my burger, and she didn't give me too many or too few cubes of ice in my drink. The picture of her playing on her phone was the NICEST thing she did during the course of the evening...... No. I was subjected to a mean, spiteful human being. Period. She was mean. She was a bully. She, specifically, did several things that hurt mine (and our) feelings. She made me feel singled out and not welcome and "less than" (maybe you've been in the same situation before?). She ruined my night (if not my trip) in Minnesota. Furthermore, I'm not incredibly happy to have you express that you believe I'm not entitled to share my concerns or unhappiness because I'm a "celebrity". That's akin to the people who told me that I should be "happy" because I'm "successful", and that I shouldn't have "depression" or "anxiety" because "famous people" are so "lucky". And I very much don't appreciate being victim shamed, even though I'm "famous" and should just "deal with it and keep quiet about it". At the end of the day, I am a human being that breathes oxygen. The same as you. And, sometimes, there are people who hurt my feelings intensely and I want to reach out to my social media family to express my hurt and let y'all know that I, too, sometimes run into mean people who aim to ruin my day. As far as "keeping future grievances" more private?Simply put, no. I will not let you silence or censor me and my feelings the same way those in the past have tried to silence or censor or ignore or belittle my feelings. I've worked too hard for too long on myself to be told to take negativity that's sent my way, and shut up about it, just because I'm a "celebrity". I'm truly sorry that the existence of my hurt disappointed you, and I wish you peace and happiness. With love, jp.
В ответ разочаровавшейся фанатке:
Sandy Hudspeth
I'm sorry, I love Jared Padalecki and I always will (I made a trip down to a SPN convention in Houston in 2015 pretty much just to see him) but this is very disappointing to me.
I understand that whatever this woman has done frustrated you, Jared Padalecki (the mere fact that she's playing on her phone while clearly on the clock at a hospitality job really angers me). But posting her picture like this to your FB, which you know is followed by millions of people - many of them very unbalanced human beings who are ready to bring out the torches and pitchforks every single time they think someone has so much as insulted your honor - is extremely irresponsible.
Я тоже в шоке. Очень непонятная и мутная ситуация. И Джареда очень задело
Мне очень жалко Джареда. Это в каком жутком состоянии он был, чтобы написать такой большой пост, и в таких выражениях?!..Он употребил слово жертва, и что его травили/запугивали и заставили чувствовать себя не таким как все. Это что-то ужасное вообще.
Его это очень сильно ранило, и он молчит уже сутки с тех пор как написал свой последний пост(((